The Man Inside Poster
The Man Inside
The Man Inside
The Man Inside
The Man Inside

The Man Inside

Director - Dan Turner
Writer - Dan Turner
Cast - Ashley 'Bashey' Thomas, Peter Mullan, Michelle Ryan, David Harewood
Producer - Dean Fisher
Production Companies - Scanner-Rhodes Productions, NorthStar Ventures, Urban Way Productions


Clayton Murdoch carries a terrible darkness inside him: as a boy he was exposed by his brutal father to violence, domestic abuse, gang culture and ultimately murder. Years later and with his father now in prison, Clayton struggles to overcome his past. In a city where every day there is a constant threat of violence and death, he keeps his sanity by channelling his aggression into boxing, the one part of his life where he feels powerful, in control, contained.

However, when the violence that surrounds him starts to destroy his own family, Clayton’s inner darkness is unleashed. And now, to gain vengeance against those who have taken his loved ones, he must ask the one man he fears the most for help: his father. With everything around him falling apart and the full shocking fury in him let loose, Clayton must look death in the face and find out who is the man inside


"Dan Turner has managed to get inside the head of the typical geezer thriller to create something more intelligent" ★★★✩✩ Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian

"A promising British thriller about tough urban life" ★★★✩✩ - Derek Malcolm, Evening Standard

"Brit film that throws some punches" ★★★✩✩ - Owen Williams, Empire

"It's a difficult film, The Man Inside, and one that has the grit, realism and sombre tone that, for a while, British cinema had at's trademark. Yet cliched it isn't. Instead, this is a quality drama that's down to earth, uncomfortable, well-made and worthwhile" ★★★★✩ - Simon Brew, Den of Geek

"Engaging, will made urban drama with striking camerawork, strong performances and a powerful central theme" ★★★✩✩ - Matthew Turner, View